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Competition Details
  1. Props should be made of foam or plastic. Sharp props are strictly prohibited.

  2. All participants must join the opening ceremony of Premiere 2025 for walk-out fee reimbursement to be valid (as regulated in general rules and regulations in the competition invitation booklet and e-booklet) 

  3. One foot must remain on the floor at all times. This means no jumps, leaps, or rolls.

  4. To prevent injuries, all-stage fighting and general hijinks of a similar nature must be performed at limited speed and strength.

  5. Participants in the competition cannot perform reverse gender or cross-gender cosplay, and costumes shouldn’t be too revealing. 

    1. Shorts should cover 20cm from the hips down or half of the thigh and minimal cleavage.

  6. Participants are strongly encouraged not to present bloody/gory make-up or props.

  7. Participants who are involved in the competition are prohibited from using harsh language / words, offending other parties, and violating ITE laws during the 2025 Premiere (i.e., racial or sexual epithets/humors, cursing, etc.)

  8. For safety reasons, stage props like confetti, fireworks, glitter, flash paper, rose petals, water, and other small messy objects are strictly forbidden to be brought onto the stage area.

  9. Non-firing fake weapons will be allowed without peace bonding. However, any "live" weapons will result in immediate eviction from the competition.

  10.  Food, animals, and devices are not allowed on stage.

  1. Devices include but are not limited to drones, lasers, and high-powered flashlights.

  1.  Throwing items into the crowd is strictly prohibited.

  2.  Climbing onto the stage or leaping off the edge of the stage is prohibited.

Catherine ~ 0877-7177-8028

Lana ~ 0812-4317-3486

Date of Competition

Friday, 14 February 2025

Date of Technical Meeting

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Age Requirements

Junior High (SMP): Grade 7 - 9 (Born between 2009 - 2013)

Senior High (SMA): Grade 10 - 12 (Born between 2006 - 2010)

Venue & Time

Venue: Hall of PENABUR Secondary Kelapa Gading

Time: 13:00 - 18:20 WIB

Registration Fee


  • Total fee : Rp 85.000/participant (Already Including walk-out fee of Rp 50.000/participant)



  • Total fee : Rp 170.000/participant (Already Including walk-out fee of Rp 100.000/participant)



  • 1st : Rp 1.300.000 + trophy + 1st winner certificate 

  • 2nd : Rp 950.000 + trophy + 2nd winner certificate 

  • 3rd : Rp 650.000 + trophy + 3rd winner certificate 



  • 1st : 2.000.000 + trophy + 1st winner certificate 

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